As I gaze upon the world, there is so much happening simultaneously – good and bad. There are many who are crying out, “God where are you?” I am in the hearts of those who are seeking and because they are seeking they will find Me, hear Me and experience the power of My presence. Many are caught up shopping, cooking, wrapping and partying instead of thanking, giving and worshipping the King of kings born to save, heal and deliver the world. So many do not even know who I am because they have been taught to look for the coming Messiah or Mahdi, and yet I have already come in My Son, Jesus, and He will come again and then every knee will bow and declare who He is.
Those who are looking for signs of His coming need only to look to the skies, the wars and rumors of war, the earthquakes, the floods, the wickedness in diverse places and the increase in knowledge. I am also sovereignly revealing Myself to individuals throughout the world. Many who look for My Kingdom to come do not understand that My Kingdom is within a person and as I am able to reveal Myself to a person that Kingdom can manifest in many powerful ways. For those who seek me, I will open their spiritual eyes to see Me and their spiritual ears to hear Me. Cry out to me for these things.
Some of the deception and corruption in Washington is being revealed but this is only the beginning as there has been and internal and external pot to bring this nation down so that the globalists can bring in a new world order. They have great power, money and influence and many world leaders are in agreement with this plan. It is their plan but not mine at this time. All that has been prophesied in Scripture will come to pass in My timing – not the world’s. I call all My intercessors to come together and come into agreement with Me so that which I have determined will come to pass. As you are in prayer and agreement, I will be in your midst.
Many things are presenting a very rosy picture in the United States and so it shall be for awhile but unless the nation and its leaders repent and turn from their evil ways, it will not last. I call My people to holiness and righteousness. So many of the churches that call themselves Christian no longer preach the truth of the Gospel but rather that which is pleasing to the ears and comfort to the body and mind. They are in darkness and do not even realize it. The church has lost its power because it does not seek My presence or to see what I am ready to do in their midst. Spirits of control, manipulation, deception as well as pride and rebellion are rampant in the body of Christ.