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Writer: Rev. Trudy DaleyRev. Trudy Daley

November 29, 2022, Prophetic Word Received by Rev. Trudy Daley

I am hearing the cries of My children as they struggle with issues in the world and in their own lives. Many things seem impossible to change because of their human perspective. I have a father’s heart in spite of the fact that I am all-powerful and all-knowing! You came from Me, created in My image, and destined for eternity and to complete My purposes on earth. You see yourself as struggling and often incapable of the tasks that I am calling you to do. Remember, you were created in My image and gifted by Me with all the giftings that you will ever need to complete the tasks that I give you. You are unique. There is not another person exactly like you so be your own person and not the one others want you to be. Your struggles are not unique but others have gone through similar ones since the beginning of time. Yes, cultures have changed but the turmoil within them has not - sickness, death, persecution for various reasons, family dynamics, public unrest, and political upheaval. There is nothing new under the sun. Those cultures that turned from Me caused their own destruction. My nation, Israel, died but I brought it back to life and so it has been with My children who were spiritually dead and so shall it be with My America. Do not try to figure out how I will do it, just know that I will. My desire is for My children to repent and be saved out of all the nations of the earth. My Son’s death and resurrection has made this possible. No one is beyond salvation if they turn to Me and repent, and I will restore them. Be a people of hope both for the world and yourself.

I hear the cries of so many parents on the earth who have seen their children taken by Woke culture, lies about identity, drugs, and traffickers. They feel hopeless in the face of all these things. Do not give up hope. Know that I love your children more than you do because they were mine first, and I have plans and purposes for their lives. If I could change Saul who murdered My children into Paul, I can change anyone into whom they are meant to be. Do not give up hope and continue to stand in faith, and I will answer your prayers.

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