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Writer: Rev. Trudy DaleyRev. Trudy Daley

January 24, 2023 Prophetic Word Received by Rev. Trudy Daley


I have come to set the captives free. That does not mean just spiritually but also physically. I am answering the prayers of My people throughout the world who have been oppressed by dictators, governments, and political groups. Watch as you see uprisings in China, Iran, and Brazil increase and threaten the corruption that exists. The more oppressive these countries become the more people will rise up and say enough. America is witnessing the taking down of a president but what they don’t realize is that it is also the take down of the Deep State and all of its corruption. Get prepared also for a disruption of the financial system for as the world has done to Russia, it will now have the same thing done to it. Brace yourselves as the financial systems fall like dominoes! As the World Economic Forum meets in Davos to try to determine policies for the world, I have begun to raise My hand in resistance to their plans. Their efforts to remove large parts of the world’s population will not succeed. It is My world and My children, and they will be protected by Me. Stand and watch and see how they are stopped.


To whom do you answer? Many think that they do not answer to anyone but that is not true. Everyone will ultimately be judged for what they do and what they say. All is captured by Me and awaits your appearance before Me to be judged. There are several kinds of slaves. Many are slaves to traditions, political stances, family culture, religious traditions as well as all forms of addiction - physical, emotional, and spiritual. What God do you serve? If it is not Me, then you will remain a slave because I through My Son, Jesus Christ, are the only one that can set you free and forgive your sins and grant you eternal life in heaven with Us. Do you want to be free from any kind of slavery? Seek Me and you will find Me and your freedom. Read My Word and in it, you shall find all that you need to help you in every area of your life. You are mine, and I love you and fight for you against all the forces of the enemy that are trying to enslave you and keep you captive. Resist all these forces and cry out to Me, and I will answer you!

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