Was the world that Jesus was born into very different from the one that you are living in today? Rome ruled the world in great power with emperors and political upheaval, heavy taxation, religious persecution and death for christians. Rome would conquer, take over and transform cultures to their standards. Several countries are attempting to do this today. The pattern of societies rising and falling is continuing to this very day. I do not change. I am the same yesterday, today and forever. My heart is grieved by all that is taking place as it has been in the past when millions of My children suffered and died at the hands of dictators and political leaders. In spite of that, My people survived and to this day still impact the world with their faith and good deeds.
By grace you have been saved, by grace you prosper and grow in your faith and ability to be used by Me. Each day ask Me for the grace that you will need for that day, and I will give it to you, and you are to receive it. Know that you are a part of Me as I live in you when you invite me into your life. Just as husbands and wives become one spirit, so you are one with Me - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Because of this as My Word says that you are seated at My right hand with Jesus Christ. Do you see yourself there in spirit as part of your spirit is with Us. Ask to receive more of every aspect of Me and all that I am so that you can do greater works than those that Jesus did.
As you view your current situation, there is much chaos, confusion and turmoil as I battle the enemy to defeat all his evil plans. Remember that I always ultimately win, now and in the future. I call you to ask for My protection during these upcoming days of darkness and shifting. The enemy’s domain of underground operations is soon to collapse and all its activities will be buried. The world has little knowledge of this but soon it will all be revealed. Many technologies that have been withheld from society will soon be revealed to bless you and improve the quality of your life. This will be true especially when it comes to your health. Do not allow fear to ruin your life or control it. I give you faith to overcome your fear, and the knowledge that I am with you and will never leave you My child. Amen.