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Writer: Rev. Trudy DaleyRev. Trudy Daley

March 21, 2023, Prophetic Word Received by Rev.Trudy Daley


Empires rise and fall and right now it would appear that America is on the brink of collapse and that is partially true. Those in power are pulling out all the stops to stay in power, to keep the war in Ukraine going, and stop President Trump’s reelection in 2024. Where do they derive their power from? MONEY! He who controls the money has the power to influence every aspect of how the world functions. For centuries, there has been a group of people who are behind the scenes pulling all the strings to control people, governments, and outcomes. Up until now, they have succeeded even to the point of funding both sides of wars, governments, and organizations. That is about to end!

Now, My power and influence is about to intervene in world events, turning the tables and destroying the enemies’ plans for a global reset. While many are seeking to continue to control the world, I am about to exercise My will. Revival has begun and with it great power and authority over all the evil that seeks to rule and reign. With revival comes great transformation at many levels. It will begin to set My people free from demonic oppression, spiritual attacks, and ignorance of My laws and My ways. Another great awakening is about to take place. My glory will transform lives, churches, governments, families, and nations. Signs, wonders and miracles will be seen and happen in many ways and in many places.

For My children who have sought Me and a closer relationship, if you draw closer to Me, you will find yourself in a stream of awareness in which you will find harmony with My will for you and your needs and life experiences. It will be as though we flow together where I provide for you even before you even ask or are aware of your needs.

This is oneness of heart, mind, and spirit. This is available to all My children who seek it. As My Holy Spirit is poured out during this revival, many will become aware of this experience and be blessed by it. Watch as I reveal My power in many ways!

Weekly Challenge! Seek Me more so that we can become closer!


Easter is My declaration that My Son, Jesus Christ, lives and reigns and has overcome evil, death, sickness, and the enemies’ power. Therefore, because you are a joint heir with Him, you can also walk in power and authority. Believe this and begin to walk in it.

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