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Writer: Rev. Trudy DaleyRev. Trudy Daley

January 31, 2023 - Prophetic Word Received by Rev. Trudy Daley

Progress & Process!

You ask what am I doing because you don’t see a lot happening as the media only shares what it is told to share. You hear My prophets speak many words, many of which have already come true and others that still need to happen. Many of you have discounted prophecies and My prophets because Trump did not go back physically into the presidency. You also see the present government doing all within its power to destroy this country and start a new world war. Things definitely seem bleak from your perspective but none of that is real or truthful and soon will begin to fall apart piece by piece.

My law of sowing and reaping is still in effect. So much that the globalists have sown, they are about to reap. Many billionaires who have sold out this country and its people are about to lose all of their wealth. Justice is what I stand for and justice is what you are going to see once I take down all forms of media that lie and deceive My children. My process of justice is at work and will manifest itself suddenly. You have trusted Me in the past, and you will need to trust Me in the future as darker days come to pass with much upheaval and destruction. But fear not for I will be with you. The angel of death is coming but will pass over those who are mine.

I am all-knowing and all-powerful and far more able than the humans that I created. Once upon a time in the days of Adam, he fellowshipped with Me, and I gave him great knowledge, power, and authority. Today, unfortunately, few walk in the authority that I have given them but that is soon to change. Words have power and the words of My true prophets will impact the world. Progress in the battle against evil and your enemies is not always obvious but do not discount it for your victory will surely come because I am on your side, and I will destroy all those who have set out to destroy you. Amen and Amen.

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