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Return of the Prodigals!

Writer: Rev. Trudy DaleyRev. Trudy Daley

Return of the Prodigals!

The time is coming when your prodigal children will be coming home. I have heard your prayers and am sending people into their lives to help them make right decisions for their lives. Yes, even those who have been drawn into corrupt lifestyles and choices. Nothing is impossible for Me. The Woke Movement has worked hard to draw people away from Me into their destructive lifestyles. Continue to walk in love toward your children and set a godly example for them to see. This is also true for family members and friends who have chosen to go in harmful directions. The division over political issues and medical ones has been created deliberately to form divisions but soon the real truth will be known and set people free!

A Great Shift is Coming!

The world as you know it is about to change dramatically. Those leaders of countries, governments, and churches that have abused their power and authority against their people are about to fall and quickly. Many of these leaders were put into place by the world’s ruling families to carry out their will to maintain power, influence, and their prosperity! Their rule is coming to an end behind the scenes even as the corrupt media would have you believe otherwise. Blackrock, Vanguard, and other major corporations that control almost all the companies in the world are going to collapse as their Cabal resources are no longer going to be available to them. This, of course, will affect the stock market and currencies around the world.

Look even at the Vatican as it is playing a part in all of this. The pope will endeavor to bring unity to his agenda but that agenda is not My agenda. There are many faithful men and women of Mine who have served Me well. However, many of My churches have been infiltrated by those who have been indoctrinated against My truth and ways and have introduced false teachings to mislead My children. Truth at many levels and about many things will soon come forth, and it will shock and upset many, especially about all who have been involved in child trafficking, child abuse, and ritual sacrifices. Pray for all those who have suffered from these things. I say, “Enough”. Those who have sown these things are about to reap their destruction!

Weekly Challenge!

Pray for the protection of all children, and the return of all prodigals home.

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