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Writer: Rev. Trudy DaleyRev. Trudy Daley

Updated: Nov 7, 2022

November 1, 2022, Prophetic Word Received by Rev. Trudy Daley


I call you to be thankful in all situations as hard as that may be to do. For some people who have all their needs met, it is easy to be thankful. It is much harder to be so when much in your life is lacking which can be other than money. I know your every need and even your wants, and I will meet those needs in the exact right time. My timing is not your timing. Because I know the past, present, and future simultaneously, I can best determine when to act on your behalf. Some of you have preconceived ideas of how and when I should respond to your prayers and get upset with Me when I don't. Try to remember that you are My child, and I do know what is best for you. Never doubt that I love you and always want what is best for you!

You Are Spirit!

You are a spiritual being residing in a human body. My Holy Spirit speaks to your spirit to guide, direct and protect you, but you need to be listening and doing what you hear from My Holy Spirit. Yes, it may sound like a still small voice, but it is powerful as it dramatically affects your life. You feed your body and mind, but you also need to feed your spirit. It is your spirit that calls you to life and sustains it. Nurture your spirit by drawing closer to Me and My Holy Spirit which is part of Me along with My Son, Jesus Christ. We can be with you and dwell with you if you invite us in. We are all-knowing and can reveal truth to you at a very deep level which can bring you great peace, joy, trust, love, and reassurance.

A Dangerous Time!

The world is on the brink of great changes. If the enemy has his way, it will be great death and destruction, but I will have MY WAY! Much around you is going to collapse, but it is not the end - just the end of the enemy’s plans for the world at this time. It is My timing that rules and reigns. Fear not, I am with you and so are My legions of angels to protect you, Stand fast and pray to be in My perfect will for your life.

Weekly Challenge! Pray to be in My perfect will in every area of your life.

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