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What Do You Believe?

Writer: Rev. Trudy DaleyRev. Trudy Daley

December 6, 2022: Prophetic Word Received by Rev. Trudy Daley

What Do You Believe?

Do you believe that I am all-knowing and all-powerful?

Do you believe that I am omnipresent ( everywhere at the same time)?

Do you believe that I know the future?

Do you believe that I know you and your heart and everything about you?

Do you believe that if you repent of your sins, you will be forgiven?

Do you believe that if you have repented of your sins and choose Me to be the Lord of your life that you are saved and will go to heaven?

Do you believe that those who have gone before to heaven know what is happening in your life and are praying for you?

Do you believe that I love you unconditionally and that nothing can separate you from that love?

Do You Know?

Do you know that I created the universe and you and that you were with Me before you were born?

Do you know that Satan is a fallen angel and a created being with limited powers?

Do you know that in the spirit you are seated with Jesus in heaven?

Do you know that you have angels sent to watch over you and protect you?

Do you know that the Holy Spirit has been sent to you to speak to you and comfort, encourage and direct your life?

Do you know that I will never leave you or forsake you?

Do you know that I have wonderful plans for you?

Do you know that I hear and answer your prayers?

Do Not Believe the Lies of Satan!

Do not believe that I do not exist!

Do not believe that you cannot be forgiven or saved!

Do not believe that you are unworthy or unlovable!

Do not believe that I cannot or will not heal you!

Do not believe that I cannot or will not use you!

Do not believe that I do not hear or answer your prayers!

Do not believe that there is no life after death!

Do not believe that I do not care or know about you!

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