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Writer: Rev. Trudy DaleyRev. Trudy Daley

March 28, 2023, Prophetic Word Received by Rev. Trudy Daley

Where Is Your Focus?

The events of the world would cry out to you, "Look here, look here, no, look over there.” Are all these distractions real or manufactured? With even the weather, it is hard to determine if nature caused it or the Haarp weather machine capable of storms that create floods, earthquakes, or perhaps, even tornadoes? I call you to not be distracted from your walk with Me for I am your protection, provider, healer, and deliverer and the one who forgives you and loves you unconditionally.

As you go through this Lenten season, focus on the sacrifice My Son, Jesus Christ, made for you. He gave up HIs divinity to become truly human to face and endure all the tests and hardships that humans face. He was rejected by His own culture and betrayed by His own disciples. He was crucified in spite of being guilty of no crime. His body was beaten to the point of His face being barely recognizable. He was forced to carry His own cross and nailed to it with spikes through His hands and feet. Yet in the midst of all that, He felt abandoned by His heavenly Father and yet chose to forgive those who did these things to Him. At the end of His passion, He declared that it was finished. What was finished? All that was prophesied about Him, all that He needed to do for us to be forgiven and saved, and for Him to be restored to His position of divinity.

Each year as you go through this Lenten season, you review these things and then tend to move on. Each day you should thank Me for being willing to sacrifice My only son and His choosing to die for you. Each day you sin in various ways and need to repent for your sins and ask for forgiveness and help to choose to change. Each day I grant you the graces that you need to live lives that reflect My goodness, My mercy and My love. Let your cries and prayers to Me be ones of thanksgiving, praise and gratitude. Without Me, you are nothing and can do nothing. Let your focus be on Me and My will for your lives and what you need to do to fulfill your destinies.

Weekly Challenge! Keep your focus on God and what He has done for you and what He would have you do!

March 28, 2023, Word of Encouragement!

You are loved, forgiven, saved, and set free by the power of the shed blood of Jesus Christ. Let His resurrection power reign in your life and be reflected in all that you do and say!

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